Dear Sister, Welcome to the Magical Journey of Motherhood!
What a privilege it is for me to witness and support you in this precious portal in your life!
Mother medicine has become my life path and greatest passion of service to the future generations of mothers as an embodied birth keeper!
I was triple blessed to know this profound and life changing journey myself with my 3 beautiful sons. My pregnancies were healthy, happy and bountiful! I loved being ripe and full with baby.
My labors were strong and natural and magical beyond words, my births were the most life changing experiences and precious memories of my life!
All of my babies were born naturally at home, held in a sacred container of Birth wisdom keepers and my beloved .
Birth can be many different things for many different people. The common thread between all birth stories is it will leave an imprint on your heart and soul that you will carry with you throughout your life!
The choice is yours to claim your own birth to be the way you would most like it to be, things do not always go as planned, birth can be intense and yes it can be painful at times.It is not all painful and it does not have to be feared! You can trust nature and your body and your baby! You can believe in yourself as I believe in you! Birth can also be blissful, ecstatic and profoundly miraculous! The ones we call into support us during labor and birth will make all the difference in the world! You need the ones who believe in you and hold space for you with love!
The journey is ultimately between you and your baby and your birth partner who you created this beautiful baby with.
Your doula is there to bare witness and help you move through the various layers that you may need support with in preparing you for your labor well ad showing up to continue to guide and support and encourage and nourish you with the strength and support you deserve to held during this very special chapter of your life, the journey to greet your newest soulmate!
Birth as a Sacred Rite of Passage When birth is honored as a sacred rite of passage Pleasure is the most holistic birthing tool there is and yet it is rarely introduced as a viable option in birth by practitioners to their clients. How ever this is in fact a truth that is now returning to women on this planet again as it is becoming more common and widely know as a fact.When a mother listens to her body and her baby, and gives birth instinctively, that child is imprinted with the ability to respect and honor its body and being.
Conscious birthing is an ecstatic experience, and women who birth instinctively can experience ecstasy and spiritual awakening. Birth becomes a tantric experience between the mother and baby, as they communicate through deeper consciousness and without words. Birth is one aspect of the women’s cycle of fertility and sexuality.
With Deep honor and respect for our bodies and our birthing process we heal our lineage and the earth mother her self
Western culture’s disrespect for the Earth is seen as the destruction of the environment, natural resources, ancient forests, atmosphere, and oceans. This is mirrored in the highly invasive treatment of women’s bodies in medicine, media, and childbirth practices.
Human culture is no longer in sync with the rhythms and cycles of nature. We are cutting open our bodies and our planet. The farther we push ourselves from living ecologically, in balance with nature, the more we kill ourselves and our planet. How do we find a way to regain balance?
In our vision to create a safe world for children to live in, we must begin with making birth safe for babies, so that they may feel at home in their bodies. Healing art midwifery must address the body, mind, heart, and spirit of mother and planet.
Wholistic Care is essential to bring the Mind body and Spirit into balance! All of these factors are essential for a woman to have an ecstatic and empowered birthing experience
This 9 month pregnancy portal is just the perfect amount of time designed by nature for a mother to have to prepare for birth and for a baby to be fully ready to incarnate into physical from ready to be born! There is an immense physical journey going on and the deep inner work of a mothers soul as well. Often there is some deep healing work needing to be done with in the ancestral mother line if there has been some previous fear or trauma around birth.Thru the acknowledging the pain that has been in the past, we have the opportunity to let it go and forgive the past and create new birthing pathways for ourselves and the future generations of mamas following behind us. When we do this, we can heal our selves, our children, our relationship with the earth and our collective earth family creating conscious birth with love and trust!
In African cultures they would often call the pregnant mother a "Mama toto" to acknowledge that she is no loner just her self she is herself plus the soul of her baby growing together. That is often why pregnant women have that radiant pregnancy glow as they are sharing their Aura with their growing baby. It would be that way thru out the whole breast feeding chapter when the growing child is still in arms and on the breast. It takes time for this new one to become its own identity.
For many first time mothers they are preparing to be to let go of their previous maiden self and be ready spiritually to be fully present and available for another being that will be mostly dependent on them for the first 2 years
Celebrating a very Sacred Pregnancy and Sacred Birthing Journey to honor this blessed Rite of passage into Motherhood and beyond
It is of my greatest honor to support you to have the most beautiful and positive pregnancy and birthing experience possible.
Helping you bring this new one coming in to the world gently and peacefully, is my utmost my greatest wish for you!
Birth is powerful!! It moves us in ways we never knew possible, this life that comes through us as woman is pure magic these children of the future generations deserve to come in to this world with peace and through mothers who are held, and supporters who are confident in the mothers ability to birth as nature intended us to do!
As we birth the future generations in our power as blissfully and magically as they were conceived then we have reclaimed an ancient wisdom that has been lost!
We restore the sacred balance of sacred feminine wisdom on the earth! We allow trust and love surrender to be stronger than fear and we heal the trauma of the past generations that lost this way of celebrating birth as a sacred rite of passage honoring the Goddess traditions of women as earth-keepers holding one another!
Helping you bring this new one coming in to the world gently and peacefully, is my utmost my greatest wish for you!
Birth is powerful!! It moves us in ways we never knew possible, this life that comes through us as woman is pure magic these children of the future generations deserve to come in to this world with peace and through mothers who are held, and supporters who are confident in the mothers ability to birth as nature intended us to do!
As we birth the future generations in our power as blissfully and magically as they were conceived then we have reclaimed an ancient wisdom that has been lost!
We restore the sacred balance of sacred feminine wisdom on the earth! We allow trust and love surrender to be stronger than fear and we heal the trauma of the past generations that lost this way of celebrating birth as a sacred rite of passage honoring the Goddess traditions of women as earth-keepers holding one another!
HealingShiatsu Services Why have regular shiatsu massage during pregnancy? Well it is one of the most healing and relaxing experiences for mind , body and spirit! Making time for self care while growing a baby is essential! You are going through a huge physical and spiritual transformation! During our sessions : You can relax ,rejuvenate, tune in with growing baby and get to know me better, your doula. Shiatsu is a meridian therapy massage that helps process the emotional feelings that can arise during this magical and challenging time in your life! It can also help you maintain good posture and muscular tone, providing relief from common ailments such as back ache, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, indigestion and nausea. |
Doula ServicesAs your Doula, I provide you with an opportunity to explore all of your options for the best possible pregnancy and birth choices. I would love to hear all of your dreams and ideals as well as your greatest fears and insecurities. I am available for on going counselling and emotional support during your pregnancy and postpartum recovery time. I hope to help you make realistic goal for your birth as ease you thru your fears or any past birth traumas. As we work together to create the best birth plans for you and your family, I can support you through my Sacred pregnancy classes, Shiatsu services with nutritional guidance as well as herbal and flower essence blends that may change through out your pregnancy and then postpartum period. All of these offerings are very important for balancing all of the many physical and emotional and spiritual transformations that occurring thru out this time of rapid growth. Easing the stress and making more time for self care will be apart of our visits together! You and your baby's optimum health and well being is my greatest priority as well as your positive pregnancy and birth experience! |
Sacred Pregnancy Courses and Retreats
Self Care Practices
Beloved Mothers,
Please allow me to encourage you to truly indulge in your self care during pregnancy!! Every thing you give to your self you are giving to your baby and investing in the reserves you will need for the long hull of Mother hood!
Please make note: You body is doing one of the most profound and amazing things on earth, Growing another human! This in it self is a lot of work so making time to nurture and nourish your self is extra essential!
Spending time in nature and observing, stillness and beingness is a big part of preparing for birth!
The Divine feminine essence of creations has less to do with go, go going, and much more to do with slowing down and just being present! Birth will come much easier if you are relaxed and at peace and well rested and nourished! Your energetic reserves need to be topped up and the balance between mind, body spirit should be well prepared!
Some of the offerings I teach in my Blissful birthing series include:
- Prenatal yoga,
- Belly dance
- Nutritional and herbal guidance,
- Birth art and creating a birth alter
- As well as grounding and relaxations meditation, meeting your power animal, fear banishing rituals and so much more!
When you make this pregnancy sacred, and honor it as a sacred rite of passage, you will find not only will you look back at this journey as one of the most precious time capsules of you life! You will in fact have a much more positive birth experience as you will be well prepared on all levels, for the psychical act that will set a deep psychological imprint that will help you on some many other levels in your life!
This is something you may only do once or a few times in your life time so lets value it as a priceless chapter you can thoroughly enjoy and savor!